
Recently at the PubSweet Book Sprint we put together a chapter on understanding PubSweet Workspaces. Workspaces are reusable components that you can use to assemble a publishing platform. Henrik developed some icons during the sprint to represent this idea and you can see the depiction of the xpub-Collabra platform described in this visual language below:


PDF chapter below.


Well… I was driving from Cambridge (UK) to Newquay and chatting to my buddy Faith about all the things I have been working on (Faith is rewriting some of my website) over the last 10 years. I was commenting on how crazy circular it all is at the moment… I found myself documenting Editoria a few weeks ago, using Editoria to document it… which is just the kind of thing I started doing when I started FLOSS Manuals 10 years ago. And then this week I was in a Book Sprint this week as a participant for the first time whereas it was the first time as a facilitator 10 years ago… and this week I was with a team of Coko people writing a book about a Coko product and at the same time with a team of Book Sprints people helping Coko to write a book…and I started both organisations… its all so recursive….

Its been a bit weird. And as I’m chattn to Faith and driving through a lovely summer’s solstice day in the UK pondering this out loud and what do I accidentally discover?….




Y’know… that place with the rocks in a circle….And I didn’t even know I was near it…I don’t know… gotta take account of things like that I reckin..

Crossing the Line…

10 years ago I started on a new adventure – I was trying to work out how to produce books fast. Along the way came numerous open source book production tools and platforms, and the Book Sprint methodology.

Now, for the first time, I crossed the line from facilitator to participant in a Book Sprint about the Coko PubSweet product. It was a cool experience… at first I thought I was going to be trouble since I have facilitated facilitators before and it’s no fun. When you facilitate facilitators they can all ‘see’ the process, or they think they can, and they try and scramble madly to get meta on it. They can’t just be subjects to it, they need to get above it and can’t help suggesting better ways to do things. Its a real pain.

So I was trying very hard to not be that and I think I did pretty well. I asked our facilitator (Barbara, CEO of Book Sprints) if I could or should do stuff, and I mostly did what she said šŸ™‚ Mostly…but no more or less compliant than your typical participant…I was a little proud of myself for that. I didn’t want to be a Diva.

So, from the other side I noted a couple of things. First of all… Book Sprints are fun. Second… they are tiring… but actually, its more tiring to be a facilitator than a participant. Also, as a participant you can time out from time to time which helps recharge… there is no such luxury for a facilitator…

Other things… good facilitation appears from the outside like there is nothing going on… Barbara is an excellent facilitator, as are all the Book Sprint team…but we (I own the Book Sprint company) see people come out of a Book Sprint thinking they can do the next one themselves. It doesn’t actually happen very often but when it does it fails. What I can understand now a little better is why they think they can do it… it is because they just can’t see the process. They think the facilitator is just some friendly person pointing them in the right direction every now and then… but there is way more going on…. but I can see how they can think there isn’t.

Also, I had some nice bonding experiences. I didn’t expect it, but it happened. When you are tired and in a room working side by side with people for many hours, your defenses just evaporate and I found myself being way more open to letting people get to know me than I usually am.

Also, watching the book you are creating improve as you go is very satisfying. Especially when the illustrations and book design start to land… it’s very cool…

Lastly, there are four other issues that were big take aways… number one – in one session me and two others (Bogdan and Peter) spent an hour hammering out a problem. We essentially were tackling a similar problem from different directions and not quite able to understand each other. The result was that we all got a much clearer shared understanding and together developed a ‘new’ way of describing the problem… that was very exciting and the model we came up with is something I will continue to use. Two – the design process gave us a whole lot of icons that we will also continue to use. That was wholly unexpected and crazy rewarding. Three – books really matter. One of the things I wrote about in the book was something I have been working on for the last months (Workflow Sprints) but the book now instantiates it as ‘a thing’… thats soooo interesting….and Four – the chapters I wrote on Workflow Sprints were added to and edited by others and as a result the description of the process is miles better and I have a much clearer understanding of the process too…

So, it’s interesting to me that I have always witnessed these takeaways in other sprints but I was an outsider to ‘the value’. But being on the inside, these things loom large in my mind, and I feel, walking away from the Book Sprint, that the value I took with me was greater than that printed on the pages of the book…

Book Sprint done..

We had a cool Book Sprint. My first time as a participant in one… we’ll put the book online somewhere for everyone to get and print some copies. Hopefully the print ready versions will be ready within a week. Below is a pic of the cover and the team…



In the process we had a few bonuses – the first being a lovely set of icons for describing PubSweet Workspaces that Henrik developed during the Book Sprint –


The Second being a chance to meet after the event to talk about the PubSweet data model.



Off to Book Sprint!

A long time ago I started FLOSS Manuals to create free documentation for free software. It was my big get rich quick plan. Along that journey, which lasted 4 years or so, I had to come up with some things to make it all work… namely, I had to:

  1. learn how to build community
  2. build tools to help people collaborate to make books
  3. come up with methodologies to make books fast

Out of this came the FLOSS Manuals community, many (open source) book production platforms (most notably Booktype), and Book Sprints – a method to produce books from zero in 3-5 days.

Now… 10 years later…. here I am traveling to the Cambridge, UK, to be part of a Book Sprint facilitated by the CEO of the company I started, to write a book about PubSweet (a publishing toolkit for building publishing platforms built by Coko, which I co-founded), and the book will be written by the Coko team and Coko community…and written using Editoria – a book platform built ontop of PubSweet BY the Coko community!!!

Talk about recursive…. its like dog fooding on steroids…

OHBM Announcement

Last week I worked with the cool people at the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) and today they have a new announcement.

We are now working closely with theĀ Collaborative Knowledge Foundation (Coko)Ā to put together a publishing workflow, and we are grateful to the Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform (CONP) for providing generous support for the development of Aperture.

Coko has extensive experience developingĀ open sourceĀ publishing components, some of which are used by Elife and other open-access publishers.Ā Their framework could give the Open Science SIG and the broader OHBM community the opportunity to participate in the construction of Aperture. We look forward to establishing even more collaborations with like-minded partners.