New Board

This week I got a new surfboard. I had ordered it months ago to be made an delivered to NYC. But since we up and left NYC due to the virus I had to get it shipped to NZ…. it is a pretty special board. A high volume longboard custom made from an extra volume blank. Made by the very famous Robert August surfboard shaping company. Classic 60s styles. Absolutely beautiful board.

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Robert August is one of the main chaps in the super famous 1965 Endless Summer surf movie. As it happens, in that movie Robert August and Mike Hynson travel the world surfing and they actually visit the beach (Shippies) where the photos below were taken πŸ™‚ My fav surf spot! Its about 1.5 hrs from my house in NZ.


I wrote an article about attribution in open source some years ago (see below).

Being attributed is an important part of your work when you are an innovator. If folks know where an idea has come from, they will often reach back to the source which opens possibilities for new projects and collaborations. This is what keeps innovators going.

I am sorry to see there are some efforts in academia, open science, and OER that have been inspired by, and draw from my work with Book Sprints but do not credit the source.

This lack of generosity doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me.

Attributing All Contributors in Open Source