a long time coming…. a release fop pagedjs with footnote support
Month: May 2021
eLife invests in Kotahi
Big news! eLife continues support for Coko and invests in Kotahi! We ❤️ eLife!https://t.co/azqS1MWkER pic.twitter.com/fkOPOfUptT
— Coko (@CokoFoundation) May 17, 2021
Secrets Squirrels
Kotahi site being updated for a big announcement on Monday
This weeks vid update
Eko-Konnect / Kotahi announcement from Eko-Konnect
New Book Sprinted book out published by Hanser
“Robots in Education”
NZ Open Source Awards
Nominations now open:
Kotahi selected for Eko-Konnect Pilot!
pretty wonderful…read all about : https://coko.foundation/announcement-kotahi-joins-eko-konnect-pilot/
Pagedjs Example Page
New page..adding stuff as we go:
Some stuff made with Pagedjs from Romain Lesur
When Romain worked at the French Ministry of Justice he implemented its design system for slides with Paged.js. You can see some examples here: https://speakerdeck.com/rlesur/reproducible-corporate-publications-with-pagedown and https://speakerdeck.com/rlesur/headless-chrome-automation-with-r-the-crrri-package