Second Edition of Understanding Power Purchase Agreements

The awesome Book Sprints folks continue to do amazing work.

Updated PPA Book

In July 2019, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Commercial Law Development Program (in partnership with the African Legal Support Facility) brought together a group of world-class experts to update and refresh the “Understanding Power Purchase Agreements” handbook five years after the original publication. The updated handbook, funded by Power Africa, includes additional insight and case studies on the negotiation of power purchase agreements for both small and large-scale projects, along with new guidance on emerging issues in the African power markets such as commercial and industrial power purchase agreements and cross-border agreements.

The updated handbook was drafted using the Book Sprint method, which allowed our diverse group of contributors from African governments, multilateral institutions, development banks, private developers, procurement consultants, and leading international law firms, all whom contributed their time on a pro-bono basis, to complete the handbook in only five days. Version 2.0 of the handbook is available here in PDF format. The handbook is published under the Creative Commons License. Please contact Mohammed Loraoui with any questions regarding the handbook.

From (Oct 15,2020)

Wax and interactive content

The latest version of wax supports inline and block editing of math. Christos is also doing some cool stuff with the find and replace UI and there is a whole lot more to boot…

One thing that we looked at some time ago is this example :

Try this example out…it is a prototype showing how to add questions to a text (multiple answer, single choice, essay, true/false and more…).

It could be very interesting to build this into Wax which would also give us some nice options for various platforms like Editoria etc… essentially opening the door for making interactive quiz content but *natively* within the editor…so no messy secondary platforms to work with and awkward integrations, and we would have complete control over both the styling and conditional export options – for example, for PDF or print output answers could be embedded at the back of the book, for epub or html the content would remain interactive etc.

Interesting to ponder use cases going forward….

Quite a first for Paged.js..

The team has been working very hard on Paged.js with a 1.0 release coming very soon. However, it seems I am a little amiss in making more of a big deal about one particular milestone the team should be very proud of. It happened back in August with the first release of a book that had been output from Editoria.

39-Book Manuscript-300-3-10-20200831

The books is Shifting Stacks published by the wonderful folks at Atla:

What is interesting about this book is not that it was produced with paged.js and it looks pretty good… actually it looks really good…check out the PDF created by Paged.js here:

Yes, this is good news – it looks great – but it is not the real news. The real news is that this was output from a paged.js template without any need for book-specific tweaks. In other words, the Atla team just needed to pres a button and the book was formatted automatically by paged.js and converted to print ready PDF. This means the Atla team could work on the book, output the PDF, tweak the content, proof etc, and then press the button and output the PDF etc…. at some point in one of those cycles they push the button for the last time and send the PDF to the printer…

That is quite something…

Wax 2 and Math

The forthcoming Wax 2 web based word processor (1.0 release shortly) can allow us to take advantage of some nice ProseMirror plugins including this wonderful addition for math:

The interaction model is quite nice – typing $$ immediately drops you into block math mode and typing $ … $ assigns marks out inline math. Moving the cursor to a math block breaks out the syntax for editing. It works pretty nicely. The below image is from the projects repo (there are more images there, check it out!):


This is a very interesting model for math editing and something we can implement in Wax 2.