pretty awesome..using the HTML output of R markdown with paged.js
pretty awesome..using the HTML output of R markdown with paged.js
Great post by Erich van Rijn about Editoria
Available for free (CC-BY-SA) –
One on PubSweet, one on Editoria.
PDF of the Editoria book made last week and printed for the community meet last week. First book printed using paged.js!
We had a cool full day Paged.js meeting yesterday. It was at the Aspiration office and we discussed all things Paged.js. The event carried on until the evening at a local bar (Casanova on Valencia) for drinks…as well as the rendering of a book… Julien can be seen in the pics rendering a book with Paged.js that Barbara from Book Sprints had facilitated that day at a one day conference in Hawaii… Book in one day anyone? !! !!!
We wrote the documentation on Editoria in a 3 day Book Sprint on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Printed them overnight and gave them to people the next day at the Editoria community meeting! They looked beautiful. It immediately became a go-to text during the meeting!
Was a cool day. We went through introductions, then the workflows of UCP and Book Sprints using Editoria, then we did a deep dive in small groups – each moving through 20 minute demo/discussions on XSweet, Editoria, Wax and Paged.js. Then we talked about features in Editoria that could help publishers which translated into feature proposals, and then finally we had a discussion about what was going to be next for the community.
Enthusiasm and engagement was very high. Awesome.