Chasing the Cursor

A chat with Christos Kokosias about building web- based word processors including Wax and Wax 2. Christos is very experienced in this and offers some insights into what is involved as well as some comments on using various frameworks such as Substance and ProseMirror.

It is a little technical, but if you aren’t technical and stay with it you will get quite some interesting info from what Christos has to say 🙂

If you want to download the audio then right click here. Photos here. All media CC-BY

Sittn Around the TeleFire

Setting up tests, then sitting around the virtual fire drinking wine and playing stupid card games 🙂 … humbled when I think these are the folks I work with. Good people, they work hard and do a great job. I’m very lucky to work with them and it’s sobering to think that in that small room there is a collection of folks making quite an impact on the state of publishing today. Pretty awesome.


Andrew Test

I recently interviewed a good friend of mine – Andrew Rens. It was a good chat but unfortunately I ruined the recording by placing the mics too close. The result was a lot of ‘popping’ which makes it more or less unlistenable with headphones. However, it’s fine to listen to through normal computer speakers. So…I’m putting it up as a first test. I will get better at the audio…a little embarrassing as I used to be a radio guy….ugh….ah well…it’s a  test. I will hunt Andrew down again and do it better…I chatted with Andrew in Lithuania at a Shuttleworth gathering. Press play at the bottom of the slideshow to listen to it.

I’m intending to make this a regular thing as I travel and meet many amazing folks doing amazing things. This chat with Andrew is particularly interesting for those interested in copyright and open licensing.