Let’s Make Open Better, Together

4 Events focused on Issues of Social Justice and Openness at the Open Publishing Fest this week…


Image Pasted at 2020-5-24 15-30

How To Advocate in these Weird Times

Participants: Ginny Barbour, Eleanor Colla, Mandy Henk,

These past few weeks have seen our social, personal, and professional lives turned on their head. Virtually nobody has been untouched by the effects of COVID-19 on our lives and livelihoods. For anyone who advocates for open access or related issues, there has been an added twist: finally the rest of the world has caught up with what we have been talking about for years. Open knowledge has suddenly become the norm. Research papers are pouring onto open platforms, traditional publishers have prised open their paywalls, data is being shared widely and even the importance of good metadata and open licenses are being discussed.

So how do we ensure this new normal doesn’t fade away as the pandemic comes under control?


Beyond Diversity

Participants: Christina Dunbar-Hester, Shamika Goddard, Heeni Hoterene, Mandy Henke

Diversity has long been a goal for open projects, but too often we haven’t been successful building diverse communities. Maybe we’ve been aiming for the wrong thing—what if we decided to move beyond diversity and work towards a digital world grounded in justice and equity?


Protecting Cultural Knowledge

Participants: Morgan Tunzelmann, Crystal Chan

We will discuss ways to build cultural considerations into media and design choices. Attendees are welcome to share their own examples of publishing culturally sensitive materials in an open access environment, as we will allow time for discussion.


Labour Implications in Open Publishing

Participants: Phil Barker, Lorna Campbell, Billy Meinke-Lau, Pat Lockley

This session focuses on the topics of digital labor, social justice, and technology in relation to open publishing and Open Educational Resources (OER). It will take the form of a Twitter chat that will be seeded by questions and provocations.

Labor Implications in Open Publishing


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