Great Post by Arthur Attwell

Arthur Attwell is a friend and I’ve also been a fan of his work for a very long time (ever since his amazing work with Paperright ). He just posted an awesome post on Paged Media about his new project – Fire and Lion – and their paged media workflow…

Book production with CSS Paged Media at Fire and Lion

Paged Media Initiative

Yesterday I presented at MIT Press.

Presenting Cokos work at MIT Press

Today, we had a truly amazing day today at MIT Press with the PagedMedia meeting. I’ll post some photos later on today, but in general, it went like this… First we had presentations from some very talented folks that use HTML and CSS to make books – showing how they did it and the results. You might think ‘wow… exciting times’… ha…but for me it was just fantastic. So many good folks and so much to learn from each. Then Julie Blanc and Fred Chasen did two awesome presentations on possible approaches to the problem. Finally we discussed these and agreed on the best path for now, and many people committed to various roles to get this all going…. Amazing…

Anyways…now in the Toronto airport, on my way to BC to do a presentation at INKE, introduced by my buddy John Maxwell…awesome!