The line is getting blurry… https://github.com/scottkellum/CJSS

Basically, it means you can turn the web’s styling language – CSS – into a programmable language by embedding JavaScript in it… it’s an interesting idea. I don’t think it’s a winning idea at this moment, but I bet if you asked some designers they would LOVE this (designers which also know some JavaScript, which is getting to be the norm these days for web designers). In small dev teams it would mean the designer doesn’t feel they need to constantly nag the developers to add the  JS they need for their design…in this age where these concerns are quite separated in teams it would give the designers considerably more autonomy…interesting idea….


Been listening to Hamish Kilgour’s Franklestein album….sooooo good…. Hamish Kilgour was the drummer for ‘The Clean’ – the NZ band that brought indie pop to our small islands. His brother, also part of The Clean, went another route – staying very folk popish while Hamish always maintained a weirder edge. I far prefer this stuff…anyways, check it out. Very cool.



The following gives you an idea…

Chasing the Cursor

A chat with Christos Kokosias about building web- based word processors including Wax and Wax 2. Christos is very experienced in this and offers some insights into what is involved as well as some comments on using various frameworks such as Substance and ProseMirror.

It is a little technical, but if you aren’t technical and stay with it you will get quite some interesting info from what Christos has to say 🙂

If you want to download the audio then right click here. Photos here. All media CC-BY