Chasing the Cursor

A chat with Christos Kokosias about building web- based word processors including Wax and Wax 2. Christos is very experienced in this and offers some insights into what is involved as well as some comments on using various frameworks such as Substance and ProseMirror. It is a little technical, but if you aren’t technical and stay … Continue reading “Chasing the Cursor”

The (Length of) String Theory for Developing Publishing Platforms

I’ve been sitting in my bath and pondering publishing platforms. Specifically, how long it takes to build them. We get asked this all the time. So… here is my very non-scientific answer to the very open ended ‘how long will it take?’. For a start, let’s measure it in person years. 1 person working one … Continue reading “The (Length of) String Theory for Developing Publishing Platforms”

Code Editor in Wax 2

Christos has been working on our new web-based word processor -Wax 2. It is based on the best-of-breed ProseMirror open source libs. A week or two ago, Christos integrated a code editor (CodeMirror) with it and sent me the following vid… looks great (see below). We also have a similar feature in Wax 1, but … Continue reading “Code Editor in Wax 2”