Code Editor in Wax 2

Christos has been working on our new web-based word processor -Wax 2. It is based on the best-of-breed ProseMirror open source libs. A week or two ago, Christos integrated a code editor (CodeMirror) with it and sent me the following vid… looks great (see below). We also have a similar feature in Wax 1, but … Continue reading “Code Editor in Wax 2”

CodeMirror Embedded in Wax

The Wax (a web based word processor we are developing) lead dev -Christos Kokosias – yesterday embedded another editor, in the editor. We need this for the PubSweet Book Sprint where we will be including code snippets in  the documentation we create. So we need a nice way to manage that… consequently Christos embedded the … Continue reading “CodeMirror Embedded in Wax”

One Enormous Step at a Time – Now JATS

So, at Coko I’ve pondered, designed and delivered several major technologies. Along this road I’ve been scoffed at a lot when I’ve advocated for each of these approaches, but then we delivered them. I’m thinking of things like a typesetting engine – Pagedjs. No one in their right mind opts to commit time and resources … Continue reading “One Enormous Step at a Time – Now JATS”

A brief outline of Kotahi features

Kotahi has been in the wings for a while. Now, however, we are moving ahead with some more accelerated development. In short-time the product has been extended in collaboration with eLife. We now also have the platform in production at eLife. The following is a brief outline of the current state. Importing content Kotahi has … Continue reading “A brief outline of Kotahi features”