Booki Development Ecology

We are a small team working to change publishing together. Think of an environment where social networking features are brought to bear on the publishing industry. Social Publishing of sorts. That’s us…. Imagine the application for this kind of environment within Schools, NGOs, government, publishing etc. The possibilities are enormous. Now think of an organisation with no employees doing this for love while looking for ways to pay the rent…that’s us!

So we are looking to build a sustainable open source ecology around Booki. This means that we are interested in building relationships with organisations that have a need for Booki, either at or as their own installation. We would like to work with these organisations through either :

  1. contracted programming to extend Booki
  2. consulting on technical issues
  3. consulting on Booki best practices or what the possibilities are for using Booki

In this way we hope to build an ecology of projects working around one code base and helping us pay the rent, buy food, pay for our early retirement plan 😉  In the past we have worked with (for extending Booki to proof ePubs) and (for building bi-directional text output for book formatted PDF) in this way (contracted work to extend Booki).

If you see a need for Booki and would like to use it and contribute to the ongoing development of the platform, then please consider one of these possibilities and let us know.

Additionally, we are also seeking funding to help extend Booki, if you know of funding that might be appropriate then please also tell us!