Dog food bonanza

In software dev ‘dog fooding’ is about using the tools/processes/methods you are advocating or building. For example, when I write a book I do it in Editoria, the book production platform the Coko community is building.

So… several times recently I have been in, what seems like, infinite recursive dog fooding…and here is another example… this book:

It was written in a Book Sprint, which is a method I came up with, and I was a participant. It also used Editoria as the tool, which I am part of creating. Finally, the subject is about the Shuttleworth Foundation fellowship, of which I am a fellow… so…there is kind of one big recursive dog fooding going on for me…

anyways… the book is awesome. Its about that rather special org…the Shuttleworth Foundation – and their rather special approach to changing the world. I love them and have benefited more than I can actually know from being part of it. LOVE the Shuttleworth Foundation, but more importantly the people who made it so… most notably Helen King, Karien Bezuidenhout (on Cokos board of advisors), Jason Hudson and Gunner. These are the folks, IMHO, that have been there from one or more beginnings and made it what it is. That such things like this happen, should not be surprising, that they do happen is incredibly surprising.

Check the book out. Its awesome.

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