Oat the Goat

NZ interactive fiction made by the NZ Ministry of Education. NZ has the one of the highest rates of bullying in the world, and the highest youth suicide rate in the world. A beautiful country but also some sad truths. The fiction below cost about $340,000 NZD which, going by the charge out rate for development these days, is money pretty well spent.

Good to see a country spending money on this obviously important topic and apparently the work has been very popular and useful for opening up discussions in schools around bullying.


more info here:


PubSweet meet

More and more orgs looking to dev with PubSweet. We only invite folks to the meet that are actually developing with PS and so far for this next meet we have eLife, Hindawi, European Bioinformatics Institute, Pre-Review, Organisation of Human Brain Mapping, Californian Digital Library (tbc), Digital Science, and the Coko folks (unfortunately Micropublications.org can’t make this one)…amazing orgs, amazing projects.

Paged.js venturing into Indexing

An experiment by Julie Blanc – https://gitlab.pagedmedia.org/tools/experiments/tree/master/book-index


It works by looking for a class within the text and adding that item to the index (and grouping duplicates). We are writing up a Feature Proposal to discuss at the next Editoria community meet. Essentially we would use Wax to annotate Index items. For this we need professional indexers to design such a tool with us. We’ll write this up and propose it and see where it goes.