
Opening the Door to Innovation in eScholarship

INKE, Victoria (BC, Canada), Jan 9, 2018


MIT Press, Boston, Jan 7, 2018


Open Source and Publishing

Crossref Live, Singapore, Nov 16 2017


Force17, Berlin, Oct 25 2017

Open Source Tools for Scholarly Publishing

Society for Scholarly Publishing, Boston, May 31 2017

Presented about Editoria, INK and how publishers can design their own software. Also presenting were Kristen Ratan (Coko co-founder), John Chodacki (Coko Advisory Board), and Erich van Rijn (UCP/Editoria).

Every Good Open Source Product Starts with Scratching a Shared Itch

Open Source Albania, Tirana (Albania), May 12 2017
Invited to present about the Collaborative Knowledge Foundation and the Cabbage Tree Method.

Scratching Someone Else’s Itch

CVSconf, Portland, May 2 2017
Invited to present about the Collaborative Knowledge Foundation and the Cabbage Tree Method.

Open Source Alliance for Open Science

Open Source Alliance for Open Science, Portland, May 1 2017
Facilitated this embryonic community meeting.

How the ‘itch-to-scratch model’ can solve our UX woes article, April 20 2017

Coko and Cabbage Trees

Penguicon, Detroit, April 19 2017
Invited to present about the Collaborative Knowledge Foundation and the Cabbage Tree Method.

Carnegie Mellon

Carnegie Mellon Campus in Silicon Valley, April 18 2017
Invited by Tony Wasserman to talk to his students about the Collaborative Knowledge Foundation and the Cabbage Tree Method.

The Future of Text

Google Headquarters in Silicon Valley, Aug 2016
Organised by friends and followers of Douglas Englebart, I was invited to present on collaboration and book production.

Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers

London, Sept 2016
I was invited to present at the annual ALPSP conference about ways that Open Source could change publishing.

International Society of Managing & Technical Editors

Brussels, Nov 2016

I was invited to present on Open Source tools for publishers at the Brussels edition of the 2016 ISMTE series of conferences. I use, by the way, because they maintain and share the open source JavaScript libs used to make their presentations.

Open Fields

Riga, Latvia, Oct 2016
I was invited to speak about the intersection of art, science, and publishing at the cutting-edge Open Fields festival.

Unlearning Collaboration

Berlin, Oct 2016
I was invited to facilitate a one-day conference on collaboration and facilitation.

Choosing a document network

August 2015, Vancouver, Public Knowledge Project.

You can download the mp4 video here.

Open Access and Open Standards

Oct 2014, San Francisco, Books in Browsers

Radio NZ (Kim Hill) Interview

June 2014, Wellington

Books are Evil

May 2014, Rotterdam,  Off the Press

Regional Lexicon Project

May 2014, San Francisco, I Annotate

Changing the Culture of Learning

May 2013, San Francisco, I Annotate

Book Sprints for ICT Research Interview

Nov 2013

The Death of the Reader

Oct 2013, San Francisco, Books in Browsers

Free Software Foundation Interview

March 2013

Browser as Renderer

Dec 2012, Paris, W3C

p1-adam-hyde-browser_as_renderer_fin (PDF)

ExBerliner Interview

Berlin, Nov 2012

Junctures article by Martin Keen on my work


Book Sprinting with Adam Hyde

June 2012, Rotterdam

Introducing Booktype at Dev8ed

May 2012, Birmingham, UK

A Web Page is a Book

May 2012, Berlin, re:publica

All Books Are Participatory

Nov 2011

Out of Ink Interview

Sept 2011, Berlin

Adam Hyde über OpenSource-Bücher und kollaboratives Verlegen

Berlin, June 2011

Digital Pioneers

Nov, 2010, Amsterdam Interview

Oct, 2010, Berlin!5148038/

NetSquared Interview

March 2009

Interview by Soenke Zehle

March 2009, Amsterdam

Radio New Zealand (Kim Hill) Interview

Wellington, NZ, Feb 2008

ADA Interview

New Zealand, 2006

pHonic Interview

Christchurch NZ, 2001 (pdf)

Fantasies of the Library : After the Proprietary Model

Interview with me about the future models for publishing, published by k-verlag (Berlin). Seems it is republished with MIT…checking.

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