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Category: Biz
Markdown definition
I’ve been pondering how you classify markdown as a way of creating text. Programmers like markdown and there is a tendency to in dev circles to advocate markdown for everyone.
But actually its very simple to define markdown as ‘source code’ (it is). Asking why we want authors to learn how to create source code should really be the question as it is largely rhetoric.
Single Source Publishing Digest
New Editoria Site
Coming soon…
Single Source Publishing Part 3 : Is Automation the Answer?
Single Source part 2
One workflow model for Kotahi
For aperture. A typical journal workflow that is supported by Kotahi presently. Kotahi can be configured to support many more workflows. I’ll share them also when we have good diagrams. Missing an arrow between manuscripts list page and control panel. Will update. Updated.
Read the colophon for this book by Bob Glushko
Seriously… an exercise in how to make your life too complicated. If they had used a single source tool all this nonsense wouldn’t have been needed. Ironic given the title and content of the book.
Single Source scratchpad
Pondering the next articles in the Single Source series I’m publishing at Coko. I’m working it out as I go…
The series so far looks (at the moment) like this:
- intro – the problem (done)
- single source – single output & single source – multiple output (multichannel)
- disambiguate
- wordpress example
- fashions for solving single source
- formats:
- xml
- latex
- markdown
- r markdown (https://www.r-bloggers.com/2020/11/single-source-publishing-for-r-users/) -> “I don’t want to have to learn two ways to style things.”
- platforms
- github
- these are technical solutions
- formats:
- the web as infrastructure
- HTML is not HTML
- the web + JSON, CSS, JS -> HTML
- Single Source vs Automated Typesetting
- disambiguate
- disambiguate
- Conjecture
OLI Torus
Floran Kohrt just put me onto this interesting project:
Code: https://github.com/Simon-Initiative/oli-torus Website: https://oli.cmu.edu/oli-communities/torus-community/ Its is alearning content management system with a focus on online courses.From Florian: "Torus is developed and used by the Open Learning Initiative at Carnegie Mellon University and published as part of the OpenSimon Toolkit."