Pagedjs Updates

The Pagedjs community is almost at 200. You can join the channel here if you wish to find out more about this very cool community –

There is a lot happening there. Just today one of the community members (Nicolast) announced a ‘reload to last place’ plugin which is very cool –

Its large and small contribs like this by people actually using the tool that makes this project so awesome.

Screenshot from 2020-09-13 22-10-09

We are expecting a pagedjs 1.0 in the next weeks. I think its been about 3 years? or is it 2? I really don’t remember, but whatever the case this is a project that I’m sure proud of. It is part of the Cabbage Tree Labs project supported by the Shuttleworth Foundation. Essentially I used my last year of my Shuttleworth Fellow funds to keep the 3 labs projects going. All essential. We will run out of that $ one day, so if you are a wealthy philanthropist that can see and understand the good and essential work going on at the labs then give me a call!

Wax 2, the 1.0 release, also out by the end of the year. XSweet is also undergoing some super improvements in collaboration with the good folks at Amnet Systems. Recently we collaborated with them to build in capturing of inline formatting changes marked by MS Words track changes.

Anyways…keep an eye on Pagedjs. It is a phenomenal project – rebuilding typesetting engines from scratch which are open source, community driven, and standards compliant is no easy task.

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