Tim O’Reilly and Heather Joseph join Coko Board

Very happy that Tim O’Reilly is joining our advisory board! A few weeks ago I asked Tim if he would join and he was very gracious to accept. We are very lucky to have him onboard.

“Many of the challenges of decentralized authority – challenges that are stumping the great tech platforms of today – have been solved by scientific scholarship. But traditional science publishing moves too slowly to keep up with today’s hyper-networked world. Using open source technologies to turbocharge the decentralized search for truth is a grand opportunity, and I’m glad to be a part of it.” —Tim O’Reilly

Heather Joseph is also joining!

“Coko is committed to creating a truly open research environment by integrating openness into all of its foundational elements —from technology, to operating standards to governance.  Openness is an essential component of their entire operation, and not an afterthought applied only to outputs. It’s a vision that can have a profound impact on the communications of scholarship, and I’m pleased to help play a supporting role.” —Heather Joseph

… more information here:
