New Intro

The following is an update of the opening chapter for a book about the Collaborative Product Design method I developed. It is meant to be ‘thought provoking’. Feedback is very much welcomed…

Open source is broken. Or, more precisely, it’s partially broken. It works for solving problems developers have, but it doesn’t generally work so well for fixing problems that (so-called) users have.

The part that works is where the famous ‘itch to scratch’ model comes into play. If you’re a developer and you have a problem which could be fixed with some new code, then you’re in a good position to solve it. This model has been thought to work because the developer has the coding skills to create software, so they are in a good position to solve software problems. But I’d like to suggest that while writing code is a necessary condition for creating software, it is not the critical reason this model works. The critical reason is that in these cases the developer is the user. Hence the developer understands the problem in depth since it’s their problem.

This is where open source excels. This is why we have such a proliferation of open source ‘under the hood’ libraries and tools for developers. In fact, it’s nearly impossible to be a developer these days and not use open source tools and libraries other developers have made. The itch to scratch model has worked for developers solving the problems they and, consequently, other developers, have.

But outside of developers solving their own problems, open source has largely failed. There are few convincing ‘user facing’ open source solutions that can beat out their proprietary rivals on approach, utility, and usability. This is because we have incorrectly concluded that the ability to develop software is the same as the ability to solve any problem that involves software. But understanding the problem, developing an approach to the solution, and developing software, are different skills. Open Source culture has not, by and large, recognised this and we have instead conflated these three conditions into one – the ability to develop software. To move on, we need to recognise the non sequiteur inherent in the logic of open source culture and develop models to address it.

The strength in open source is in people fixing their own problems (itching their own scratch). It works because these people bring insights into the problem that no one else has. Consequently, they come up with great solutions. The strength is not developers solving problems, but people solving their own problems. That is why developers do a great job fixing developer problems. The model fails when we extrapolate the developer solving developer problems model and assume that those who can create software can solve any problems where software may be required. We have conflated writing software with solving problems that require software and we miss the point, the fundamental strength, of open source. Open Source succeeds not because of code, but because of people solving their own problems.

This may sound counter intuitive. Open Source’s success is not because of code? But it’s not that difficult to understand. Simply put, software is a means to an end. We have focused too much on the means (developing software) and forgotten that it is not what we are doing. We are actually trying to solve a problem for someone, somewhere. Software, open or closed, is no good if it doesn’t solve that problem. It is completely useless. Open source’s primary goal is to solve problems, not create code, even though software is the dominant means to get there.

Not understanding this has lead Open Source down any number of non-productive wormholes and has lead to a technocentric culture that doesn’t understand its own strengths and limitations. We have been myopic in our approach to problems, seeing all problems as merely issues developers have not yet solved. It has led to terrible cultural issues for open source, including the over-reliance on ‘technical thinking’, the dominant power being held by white men who know how to code, the understanding that software freedom is merely a licensing issue, and a lack of understanding of wider issues of empowerment, the belief that developer tools (such as git) are good for any problem, if only we knew how to use them, the requirement in open source projects that all those involved should use the tool in the developer’s stack, the lack of role diversity in open source projects and the power imbalance that accompanies this, the use of the term ‘non-coders’ to name all skilled people that are not developers, the absence of patience for the ‘user,’ and the distillation of the user (the one with the problem) to the furthermost point from the center of the endeavor.

All of these issues have lead to a lack of cultural diversity, shortcomings on approaches to the many interesting problems the world has to offer open source, and, simply put, many bad open source solutions.

We need to address this issue and fast. Open source is fast losing out in ‘user space.’  We need to turn the corner and understand quickly that the real strength that open source represents is when people solve their own problems. When the user brings insights into the problem that no one else has. When they are deeply involved in scratching their own itch. This is when great solutions evolve,  as open source has already proven by the many amazing, innovative, world-beating solutions developers have created for themselves. But since we’ve mistakenly conflated ‘person with the problem’ with ‘developer’, we’ve missed the value of our own proposition.

What are we to do with this? The answer is simple: always have the people with the problem at the heart of the open source project. While the answer is simple, the implications are huge. They include the need to diversify participation on open source models, to push the developers out of the central roles they currently occupy in open source projects, to tear down technical meritocracy as the single determinant of value, and to experiment with new models of open source cultures.

This is why the Cabbage Tree Method exists. It’s a process designed to assist open source projects to develop world-beating, user-facing software. It’s also a process that changes the typical open source model substantially and advocates, by example, for a fresh approach to how open source projects are created, constituted, and operated.

Why Vivliostyle is Important

Vivliostyle advertises itself as a “publishing workflow tool.” It is a great tool but this isn’t a terribly accurate or descriptive byline since publishers can’t really use it without changing everything else they do. Hence my preference to refer to it as an HTML pagination engine (although I used to refer to this process as Browser Typesetting). It can be part of a publisher’s workflow but only after they have transformed everything else they do to an HTML-first workflow.

On this point, I think Vivliostyle have their sales pitch wrong but it is hard to know how they might do it better since Vivliostyle imagines, as do many other tools, a radically different way of doing things to how publishers operate now. Vivliostyle is one necessary part of an approach that is, in effect, a paradigm shift in how publishers work. This ‘new way’ of working is exciting and transformative, but it is also hard to capture paradigmatic changes in a few catch phrases. So, to understand the value of Vivliostyle, you first have to understand how publishers work now, why it is a terrible way to work, and what HTML-first workflows can offer. Once you understand that, you can see how exciting Vivliostyle could be for publishing.

So… what does it do? Vivliostyle is the latest in a long list of tools that, among other things (more on these in later posts), can enable the transformation of HTML to PDF. These tools have been typically used to produce PDF for printing – book formatted PDF. There are a few of these softwares out there but most are proprietary and only a handful of them have been Open Source (notably BookJS that I was involved in a long time ago, and CaSSius). Vivliostyle is the latest in this family tree, the root category of which I would describe as an HTML Pagination Engine.

What it does is this – it takes an HTML file and paginates it. It flows the HTML through the ‘boxes’ (pages) you have defined and lays the content out nicely in each box, one box after the other, flowing all the content through it with the right margins (and more, see below). So instead of scrolling through the web page, you page through the document on screen. Vivliostyle converts the HTML into ‘pages’. It is an HTML pagination engine.

It is then possible to do a lot more with these pages, including adding page numbers, using CSS (the style rules used by browsers) to define the look and feel of text and images(etc), adding headers, notes and footers etc. In other words, you can add to each page everything you need to make the result ‘look like a book’.

You can do this transformation in the browser because Vivliostyle is written in JavaScript. If you want to see this in action, check out their demos page. For example, look at this page showing the raw HTML of a book by Lea Verou (published by O’Reilly), then open this page (give it a minute to render). Now right click and print (best in Chrome or Chromium browsers – you may need turn margins off and background images on when printing). The result should give you a one to one co-relation of the paginated content in the browser (which is HTML) to the paginated print-ready PDF.

Since the browser can also print PDF, then you can take this newly styled ‘book looking’ HTML and print it to PDF from the browser. From this, you have a book-formatted PDF that is ready to send to the printer to be printed and bound. I’ve worked this way for many years and printed many books this way for organisations from the World Bank to Cisco. The system works and the printed books look great. Vivliostyle is, at this point, the most sophisticated open source tool for doing this.

It is pretty amazing stuff. From HTML to PDF to printed book at the press of a button. Magic. This process is also catching on. Hachette  produce their trade paperbacks using an HTML-to-PDF rendering engine with styling via CSS. So it is no longer a process reserved for small experimental players.

So, why is this interesting? Well, it is interesting almost without an explanation! Transforming HTML in this manner seems pretty magical and it’s kinda neat just to look at the demos and marvel at it. However, the really interesting part comes into play when we start talking about workflows. This is where Vivliostyle can be part of transforming publishing workflows.

As a publisher, if you were to take Vivliostyle ‘out of the box’ it would not be of much use to you. How many web pages do you have that you want to turn into PDF? Not many, if any. How much of your book or journal content in your current workflow is stored in HTML? Probably none. In all likelihood, HTML in your business is restricted to your website and, perhaps, EPUB if you produce them (EPUB is just a zip archive containing HTML files and some other stuff). But in most publisher’s workflows the EPUB is an end-of-line format. Publishers take the completed copy in MS Word, or (sometimes, regrettably) PDF, and send it to a vendor (typically in India) to transform into EPUB and send back. So chances are, HTML is not the format being used as the basis for your book or journal workflows (apart from possibly being an end-of-line format).

As a publisher, you don’t have manuscript copy in HTML, so Vivliostyle is not going to fit snuggly into your workflow. In order to utilise it, you need to transform the way that you work. You have to start working in HTML or, more difficultly, work in some format that can transform into a very tightly controlled HTML output so that Vivliostyle can work with it.

I don’t like the latter style of workflow. This is where you work in something like XML (of some sort) and then transform to HTML at the end of the process. It’s ugly workflow, not friendly for non-techie users and typically full of workflow redundancy. If you want good HTML, then just work with, and in, HTML. This comes with additional benefits since from good HTML you can get to any format you want PLUS you have the advantage of now being able to move your workflow into the browser. And this is where Vivliostyle fits into a toolset, an approach, that could transform how you work – the HTML-first production environment.

The current ‘state of the nation’ in publishing is pretty terrible. Most publishers use MS Word docx as their document format, and Track Changes and email are their primary workflow tools. This means that there is a single document of record – the collection of Word files. These are shareable, in the sense that you can email people copies, but you cannot have multiple people simultaneously accessing them at the same time. In effect, the MS Word files are like digital paper in the worst possible way. There is only one ‘up to date’ version and only one person that can work on that version while they hold onto the files. There is no easy way to follow a document’s history, revert to specific versions, or identify who made what change when. Further, there is no inherent backup strategy built into standalone MS Word files. Everything must be done manually. That means organizing the files in directory structures with naming conventions that are known by only those in the know (since there is no standard way of doing this).  There are also problems with email as a collaboration tool. Did it send? Did they get it? Did they get the right version? Plus there is no way of understanding the status of the documents unless you ask via email or there is some other system that is manually updated for status tracking. The system is not transparent. Further, changing workflows when using systems like this, even for small optimisations, is quite difficult and the larger the team the more difficult it gets.

Additionally, using Word and email like this is really placing unnecessary gateway mechanisms on the content. If I have the up-to-date versions then you can’t have them or work on them. There is really only one copy and only one person can work on it. That makes for linear workflows and strongly delineated roles. No one can ‘jump in and help’ and it is very difficult to alter the linearity of the process or redistribute the labor to achieve efficiencies.

If publishing is to move on, then workflows need to migrate to the browser. With browser-based workflows, there is no need to have multiple copies of the same file, versioning is taken care of as is document history, it is easy to add and remove people from the process, and labor can be better distributed over both roles and time to create more elegant, efficient, workflows. I wrote about this in an earlier post and will write more in posts to come since there is a lotmore to it. But suffice to say that publishing workflows to the browser is a little like ‘sucking all the gaps’ out of the current Word-email workflows (plus a whole lot of other benefits). No more checking your Inbox while you wait for status updates or someone to send you the files so you, and you alone, can work on the next little part of the process while everyone else waits. Additionally, there can be full transparency as to what needs to be, has been, and is being done (and by whom). There is the opportunity to break down larger tasks into smaller tasks and have them all in play concurrently. There is the opportunity to share the same tools and hence enhance communication and redistribute the work to where (who) it makes most sense. There is so much to be gained.

This is not to say that browser-based workflows are  ‘anything goes’ workflows (which is what most publishers think this way of working amounts to). You can still assert rules of who has access and when. But… in my experience, when you migrate workflows to the browser then publishers start rethinking how they work and you often hear comments like “but we don’t need to do it like that anymore’…They then start designing radically better workflows themselves.

So, the point of all this is that Vivliostyle by itself does not achieve this. It is not, in itself, a workflow tool for publishers. You first need all the other things that enable an HTML-first workflow to be in place and once they are there, then you can utilize Vivliostyle to transform the HTML (at the push of a button) to the PDF you need for printing. That is the radical improvement Vivliostyle can offer. Cut out the file conversion vendors and render the content according to templated style sheets (automated typesetting can produce beautiful results). This means you can check what the book will look like at any moment, plus the CSS stylesheets you use can also be included in your EPUBs (also rendered at the push of a button since the original content is already in HTML, the content filetype for EPUB) so your printed book and the EPUB look the same.

So, Vivliostyle is a necessary tool for HTML workflows and with an HTML workflow you will radically improve what you do.

This is why Vivliostyle is important to publishers but you cannot consider it isolation. You must consider it with regard to migrating to an HTML first workflow. If you migrate to this kind of workflow then not only will you experience the efficiencies described above but your organisational culture will be transformed and the types of content you can then produce will become a lot more open ended. This is the vision that Vivliostyle, and other tools that enable HTML-first workflows (including those developed by UCP and Coko), are imagining and building towards.

Dear reader, out of principle, I do not use proprietary social media platforms and networks. So, if you like this content, please use your channels to promote it – email it to a friend (for example). Many thanks! Adam

Book Intro

I’m currently writing a book about (what is now called) Collaborative Product Design – the methodology I designed to facilitate ‘users’ to design their own software. Scott Nesbitt is helping me produce the book as are Raewyn Whyte, Julien Taquet and Pepper Curry.

Scott asked me to write an intro to the book… so, here is my first attempt. I’d appreciate feedback!

Open Source is broken. Or, more precisely, it is partially broken. It works for solving problems developers have: it doesn't generally work so well for fixing problems 'users' have.

The part that works is where the famous 'itch to scratch' model works. If you are a developer, and you see a problem you have as a developer, then you are in a good position to solve it. Commonly, this model has been thought to work because the developer has the necessary skills to solve the problem, but that is not the critical issue. The critical issue is that, in these cases, the developer is the user, and as such, understands the problem in depth. They own the problem, and hence the solution.

This is where Open Source excels. This is why we have such a proliferation of open source 'under the hood' libraries and tools for developers such that it is near impossible to be a developer these days and not use Open Source tools. The itch to scratch model has worked for developers solving the problems they and, consequently, other developers, have.

But outside of developers solving their own problems, open source has largely failed. There are very few convincing 'user-facing' softwares that can beat out their proprietary rivals on approach, utility, and usability. This is because Open Source works [mostly, only] when people are 'fixing their own problems' (itching their own scratch). This is the fundamental strength of open source. The model's strength is NOT developers solving other's problems, but people solving their own problems. When developers are the single solution provider for 'other peoples problems,' the model fails.

What are we to do with this? The answer is simple but has profound impacts for open source culture. The answer is to always have the 'people with the problem' at the heart of the open source project. The answer is simple, the implications are huge. They include the need to diversify participation in open source projects, to push the developer out of the central role they currently occupy in open source projects as a single solution provider, to tear down technical meritocracy as the single determinant of value, and to experiment with new models of open source cultures.


Goldfish and Medium

Following up from an earlier post about start ups and your content –  there was a recent ‘sense making’ piece from Medium itself about its possible change in direction:

Seems a week after I suggested it could happen…Medium pivots… anyways, good judgement more than prescience but it illustrates a point.

This illustrates that putting your content in a web-based start up is rolling the dice in a game where you don’t have a say in who is playing, the rules, or who wins.

HTML Typescript – redistributing labor

Apparently small changes in writing technologies can radicalise publishing workflows. Matthew Kirschenbaum makes a good case for this in his book “Track Changes: A Literary History of Word Processing“. There are a number of cases in the book that illustrate this. I’m about 1/3 of the way through and the example that astonished me was related to Issac Asimov.

The setting is mid 1981 and Asimov has just encountered his first word processor at age 61 (Kirschenbaum places 1981 as, pretty much, the start of the word processing revolution). Previous to this, Asimov had written with a typewriter. He was extremely fast and hence many errors were made that could not be corrected easily with a typewriter. Errors, in those days, were the problem of the copy editor who marked the manuscript up with corrections.

As it happens, Asimov finds typing faster with the new electronic word processor and so he makes more mistakes. The copy editor then gets frustrated and in turn frustrates Asimov with many more clarifying queries about the errors made. Dr Asimov then starts correcting his own text using find-and-replace to correct common errors…

“cold” suddenly becomes “could” and no sign exists that it was ever anything else.

The result is cleaner copy which elicits fewer inline queries from the copy editor. Right there, publishing workflows changed and labor was redistributed from the copy editor to the author.

A migration from a typewriter to a word processor is not a small change. However, on a higher, more abstract, level the ability to correct content ‘as you go’ is not a huge cognitive leap. When the technology enabled this, however, the change it effected was great.

Small design changes can have huge consequences for publishing workflows to the point of redefining roles. With the introduction of the word processor came the ability to change copy easily and consequently the author assumed more of this role and the copy editor’s role was redefined.

I think we might have something similar in the systems we are building at the moment – particularly Editoria, the platform for scholarly monograph production. I’m not claiming the system will have an effect on the same scale of the introduction of word processors, rather that a few, apparently small, design decisions will have a large impact on the workflow of those using the system. This change is not just about efficiency, which is certainly what we are aiming to achieve, but how things are done ie. a similar redistribution of labor.

In the current workflow of the University of California Press (UCP), with whom we are designing the system, the following steps occur:

  1. The acquisition dept acquires the book from the author in form of a collection of Microsoft Word (MS Word) files in docx format. One file per chapter. These are sent to the production dept.
  2. Production editors (in the production dept) open each file on the premises of UCP where MS Word is installed with custom macros. These macros enable the editors to select a part of the text and apply custom styles (see image below).
  3. The newly styled MS Word files are then pushed through the review cycle featuring the copy editor and author(s).
MS Word with custom styling macros
MS Word with custom styling macros

Step 2, styling, is a long manual process. Also, it can only occur on computers that have these macros installed. Further, the subsequent edits by the copy editor and author(s) might revert some styling changes. So some of the work will need to be done again. Lastly, when the version of MS Word is updated then the Macros must be checked, potentially rewritten to keep pace with the new version, and re-installed on each machine.

So…the small change we are introducing we call HTML Typescript. It is nothing fancy, nothing new, but it is a fresh look at how we can bring offline word processing workflows into the browser. The critical problem being, how to do you get the MS word files provided by an author into a web-based production workflow? In clearer, slightly more technical, terms how do you transform a document from MS Word to HTML?  Well… many people literally say “it can’t be done.” The criticism is not as literal as it sounds and really comes down to what you are trying to achieve. If you wish a one-to-one conversion of an author’s structural intent for the production a correctly marked up HTML document, then automated conversion through any process is not going to achieve this. Not even the very complex processes that go from docx to structured XML (of some type) and then to HTML, which is the approach file conversion specialists prefer, will achieve this.

This is where we think HTML Typescript solves some very interesting problems.

HTML Typescript offers a reframing of the problem that, consequently, enables processes that closely match the publisher’s current workflow. It also offers the potential to radically redefine that workflow.

Docx is a type of XML. It is, laughably, called OpenXML by Miscrosoft. Laughably, because while you can unzip a docx file (a docx file is a zip file containing a simple directory structure and some files), you can open the document.xml and poke around with it (see video demo below), but it is incomprehensible. There are two critical problems that contribute to this:

  1. The XML is pretty unreadable by humans. It is dense and verbose and very very messy.
  2. Due to the editing environment (MS Word) and its inability to constrain authors from using ‘font size 12, bold’ instead of marking the text correctly as a Heading Level 2 (for example), the resulting styles applied by the author, and described in the XML, are erratic at best.

Number 2 is the big problem, and issue number 1 helps obfuscate it.

So, when you want to transfer from docx to HTML, it is very difficult to determine the author’s strucural intent without looking at the original display version of the MS Word file. Is this indented single line marked ‘font size 16.6, bold’ a heading 1,2, or 3…or is it meant to be a block quote? For example…

This is exactly why the macros mentioned above must be used, because named styles are not used ‘upstream’ by the author. So the production editors must work their way through each file and apply the correct designated styles using the custom macros.

With XSLT, the conversion process of choice for file conversion pros, it is very possible to convert from docx to HTML. Nothing impossible there. You don’t end up losing content (there are a few gotchas for this which I will cover in later posts) but you do end up with messy unstructured HTML. This is because the original docx is messy and unstructured. This is what people mean when they say ‘it can’t be done’ ie. you cannot infer all the structural intent of the author from the docx file, because it is a mess, and by some magic subsequently convert it to lovely clean, structured, HTML.

But, that is actually ok. Converting to ‘messy’ HTML really puts you in about the same position as having a messy docx file. They are both equivalently unstructured.

File conversion specialists don’t like this position. They want, by their very nature, documents to be nicely structured. HTML does not, in its raw form, stipulate much structure. Sure you can have headings 1,2,3 but also you can have, as MS Word does, arbitrary font sizes and styles that look like a heading, but the underlying markup doesn’t explicitly state this is the case. In addition, HTML doesn’t worry about document sectional structure too much. What if you wish to identify a section of the text as a ‘method’ section? How do you deal with that? Custom XML can deal with this as you can design a mark-up structure to suit. But HTML, as it is described by the standards, doesn’t enable this (yet…web components will change this to some degree). However, with plain ole HTML you can use any sort of div or span you like to wrap around sections of a HTML document and call them what you like. For example, you can have ‘div class=”method”‘ and there you go…the section is defined, for your intents and purposes, as a method section. This does not have much currency in the outside world (the world outside your platform) since there is no standard way of describing a method section in HTML, but for the purposes of creating production systems, this is really ok. We can work with this. The important thing is that we can now apply document structure with HTML should we wish to. When we wish the document to leave the system we can make that conversion at export time (more on this below).

So… Where does that leave us? Ok… well, at the time of conversion we can move from docx to HTML and make some ‘educated’ guesses as to what the author’s intent is. For example, if there is one single line text with ‘font size 24, bold’ and then 16 of ‘font size 20, bold’ and 6 of ‘font size 14, bold’ and then a bunch of sentences groups with font size 12 – then we can map these to heading 1,2,3 respectively, and the last being standard paragraphs. It is not perfect -it will not catch all structure, and the process will make incorrect inferences. However, it will get us part of the way there. So we can already start improving on the structure of the MS Word file automagically.

Arguably, we are in a better position with an initial rules-based clean up of the file structure as it passes from docx to HTML. The good thing is that we can improve these rules over time. In time, the automated conversion will produce better results.

After a conversion of this kind, we have a partially structured file. This is where file conversion specialists often leave the conversation. They don’t like partially structured anything. It is not in their DNA. That is because they are primarily concerned with conforming file A into structure X. Their metric is ‘ is it well structured?’. It is a pass/fail binary. If you are to look primarily at whether file A or B is well structured then you want well-defined schemas that describe the structure, and you want files that subscribe perfectly to that schema. Anything that falls out of this is a fail. Partially structured documents are a fail.

But with the HTML Typescript approach we see partially structured documents as a strength, not a weakness. We know it is not possible to get to perfectly formed documents in one go, so rather than consider this a fail we accept we must get there progressively. That is the fundamental principle behind what we are calling HTML Typescript. It is the use of HTML as a document format that can be progressively improved to get to the structure you desire over time using both machine and manual processes.

HTML is the perfect format for this. HTML’s lack of formal structure, along with its ability to define any kind of structure you want, enables us to progressively add any kind of structure we need to a document. One part of this process is the automated clean up at conversion time, and the next part of the process is where it starts getting interesting… this is the manual application of structure.

This is where the apparent weakness of HTML becomes a strength – we can manually add structure over time. We can progressively structure the document. For this process, we can build, and the Coko team are building, a suite of tools in the production environment so that a production editor (for example) can click on an element (eg a heading) and choose the style they wish to apply from a menu – similar to how they currently work with macros.

The advantages of adding the correct structure in the browser vs MS Word? Well, firstly, as mentioned above, we can computationally improve the structure before the manual process. This results in less work to do. Secondly, we have complete control over the tools available to the platform’s distributed citizens (I don’t like the term ‘user’ and so are experimenting with other terms. Let’s try citizen for now). Hence we can make the tools available to everyone, not to just those citizens with the MS Word macros installed. That means:

  1. There is no need to update the (equivalent of) macros against the underlying desktop software version across many machines.
  2. If I wish to update the features that enable styling, then all users can leverage these updates immediately.

So, as a publisher, I’m not stuck in the harrowing, expensive, cycle of continual software upgrades and installs against random (or planned) updates of MS Word that maybe conducted by my org. That is already a saving. There is a second tier of savings here – we are building open source systems with the intention that they are used by a large number of orgs. If we share a common platform and common toolkit, we can also share the costs of maintenance and development, and free from vendor upgrade cycles. Each publisher doesn’t have to do their own software development to keep their own styling macros up to date. Yet you can still innovate and develop new features – while any new feature can potentially be available to everyone.

But…more importantly…just as with great power comes great responsibility, we could say that with a shared toolset comes shared responsibility. That doesn’t reference the sharing of costs mentioned above (although it could) but rather it references the roles of the people in the organisation using the toolset. If the tools for styling are available to all citizens, then so might the responsibility for using those tools. Much like Asimov noticed he could now do some of the copy editing, so might a publisher re-distribute the work of styling a text. This is where a small design decision might have a large impact. Publishers that are forced to design workflows based, literally, on where the tools are (what machines the macros are installed on in this case), can now design workflows dependent on who they think would be best placed to do the work. That is pretty interesting. Such a small design decision might actually cause pretty radical changes to workflow.

There are a couple of things I want to comment on with regard to this. Firstly, achieving efficiencies like the above are only available to you if you design systems rather than software. Designing software is a technical endeavor, designing systems is not. Designing systems requires an understanding of what is trying to be achieved, by whom, and with what constraints. It is very difficult, for example, to imagine and design a progressive approach to structuring files if you are simply focused on building software that produces well-structured files. It sounds like a distinction without a difference, but it’s not. The difference is profound.

Secondly, what I have described above requires, in this implementation, HTML Typescript. But HTML Typescript is not a format, it is merely a way of using an existing format – HTML – and seeing its apparent weakness (no strict formal structure) as a strength. So HTML Typescript is not really a technical solution so much as it is an approach — one which enables us to build interesting systems to solve the long-standing problem of ‘getting out of MS Word’ and into the web.

Lastly, there may be some concern that this kind of approach doesn’t get us to structured formats like JATS (or whatever) that may be required by your content sector. Well, that’s not a big deal. You can design your version of HTML with all the structure you need to make an easy conversion to whatever XML format you want. That’s not so tricky. HTML can contain that structure and you can build the production tools (the web-based equivalent of the MS Word macros) to suit. In other words, end-of-line formats (for distribution or syndication) should remain an end-of-line problem. When you press ‘export’ (or whatever), then that is the time, presumably, when the document is nicely structured, that you convert it to whatever you need in a relatively straightforward conversion.

In summary, I’ve been kicking around in this area for a long time and feel that there are some ideas that are surfacing that not only solve some tricky problems, but open the door to new possibilities. I think the HTML Typescript approach is one such case and I’m looking forward to finishing the implementation of the HTML Typescript approach with Editoria and trialing in the weeks to come. More thoughts to come.

HTML Typescript is an approach developed by myself and Wendell Piez.

Goldfish swimming around the web (part 4)


Recently I was involved in a brief discussion about Medium vs WordPress on a list devoted to publishing. One of the members brought forward the point that startups, like Medium, change focus and purpose while searching out a sustainable model. It’s the famous ability to ‘pivot,’ which means that a Tech Company will become whatever it needs to be and will, in time and as pressure increases to show a return, follow the money. That trail might lead in very unexpected directions – Facebook, famously, started as ‘facemash’ a rather appalling site to place 2 pictures next to each other and users could rate which person was ‘hotter’.  Twitter started as a podcasting service. Youtube was a video dating site. Android started out as an Operating System for cameras. So, pivots happen often and can take the service in directions the users might not be able to guess at the time.

Which leaves the question about platforms in general, and in this case Medium in particular – what will their future (not present) services be? Further, what would this mean for your content? It is an open question. I’m not going to argue Medium will pivot, but I’m also not going to say it won’t. I just want to make the point that it is not uncommon for startups, driven by the bottom line, to pivot and (since you as a user have no say in this), go in a direction away from your needs. Then where will you be?

The other issue that came up regarding Medium vs WordPress was the popularity of content platforms. It is a common argument that you need to ‘go where the people are’ – house your content where you can generate the most hits. Firstly, hits are not everything – having run independent radio stations I know that points mean nothing and connecting to the people you want to is everything. In other words, it’s not how many people you are connecting with but who they are that counts. Secondly, what happens when the popularity of the content warehouse (in this case Medium) declines? Where are you then? LiveJournal was once very popular and seemed invincible. Where is it now? Know anyone still using it? When (not if) this happens to Medium, what will you do? Migrate all your content to the next cool thing? I would argue it is far better to own your own domain, the moldy ole ‘homepage’, and build your brand there. It is a longer game, that is for sure, but better for your future.

In general, these points made me think of the (apparently untrue) popular belief that goldfish have memories of 3 seconds. They can swim around forever and happily in a small bowl because every lap is completely new ground. Is that us? Are we really incapable of learning anything from what we have seen over 2-3 decades of living on the web? I think we should stop acting like goldfish swimming around the web and learn something from what we have experienced. Startups pivot, out of control of the users and in directions that may be antithetical to your needs. Further, popularity is a bang and, eventually, bust, game. If you house your content ‘where the people are,’ it is a bad metric and one that will decline when ‘the people are,’ inevitably, somewhere else.

Let’s get out of this game. Host our own sites. Build our brands on our own sites, and be in control of how we are on the net. Don’t be a goldfish.

The cool opening pic by Pepper Curry.

Previous posts on this exploratory thread:

Federated Publishing Revisited

Back in 2011, I wrote about Federated Publishing. It is probably time to revisit this topic, given some recent-ish developments in technology, most notably Dat.

When I first encountered Dat, there was some mumble in the air about ‘git for data’. A nice elevator pitch. I’m not sure where that meme came from. I know some of the Dat people (Max Ogden and Karissa McKelvey specifically) and I don’t think I remember them using this phrase. It is often this way with tech – an idea gets out there, no one knows what it means, and then, before you know it, it’s everywhere. I have never been at the center of this kind of viral excitement but I have seen it many times, and, as always, the meme reflects very little truth about what is actually going on with the tech or how it might be useful.

In the case of Dat, it took me some time to work out what it was. At first I understood it as breed of peer-to-peer technology specifically for the distribution of datasets. Indeed, that is what they say on their website


Sure… so it’s this sciencey thing that is intended for use by researchers for sharing data. It sounds like many of the things we have also been discussing at Coko, to do with the early sharing of research data. So Kristen Ratan and I approached Dat and started up conversations which are leading us towards some interesting collaborations – not yet around implementing Dat in Coko projects but around developing open source-open science communities (more on this later).

However, it wasn’t until I spent some time in the Maasai Mara that I understood what Dat was all about.

Richard in the Maasai Mara, Kenya

I traveled to Kenya to spend some time with Richard Smith-Unna who had just joined the Collaborative Knowledge Foundation. We spent some time together just outside of Nairobi and then traveled down to the Maasai Mara for a few days camping.

Our camp (that’s my tent in the background!)

It was a pretty basic camp in beautiful surroundings. Its a wonderful thing to sleep deeply at night while hippos and buffalo walk around your campsite and, on one night, around your tent. During the days we went exploring and talked tech while watching cheetahs or lions, or termite mounds.

Richard had been the primary developer behind Science Fair which uses Dat libraries. Science Fair is supported, to a small degree, by eLife. eLife received 25 million pounds earlier this year to ‘do their thing,’ some of which includes spending small amounts of money on technology innovations built by people like or Richard.

So Richard, mostly, put together Science Fair. In essence, it is a desktop browser with a very specific content focus – research articles – and a very specific distribution strategy – which is where Dat comes in.


Science Fair enables a researcher to search for research articles and read them within a desktop ‘browser’. The browser is actually built with a technology called electron. Electron enables developers to build cross-platform desktop applications in JavaScript (JS). Welcome to the new world folks – the promise of write-once-run-anywhere made by Java has finally been realised by JavaScript. Which is one of the reasons the Coko PubSweet framework is all JS. The future is JS, as Jeff Atwood has said in his ‘All programming is Web Programming‘ post:

any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript.

Science Fair, an entirely JS application running on your desktop, leverages the Dat JS libs….but to do what?

Dat enables content to be stored – you throw stuff into it and get it back later. However Dat isn’t just a content store, otherwise it wouldn’t be very interesting, since that problem is well solved. Dat is a peer to peer store.

In the case of Science Fair, when you download something to read (which is stored with Dat) you become a peer in that content’s network. You become a server for that piece of content. When someone else requests that same article then you may be the one serving the content to them (if you are the closest peer to them).

In other words, Dat is a kind of open source Content Distribution Network (CDN) technology. One with a few interesting extra features to leverage ie. a peer to peer design.

You don’t have to use the peer-to-peer functionality. You can just use Dat as a single content store – without replicating the content to other nodes. That is quite useful in itself but there are many other technologies that can do this – a normal file system on a server somewhere, for example. You could also use Dat purely as a CDN – a network of content stores which replicate and deliver your content closer to where your users are. Once again there are open source technologies that can do this like jsDelivr. However, what Dat can also do, is turn your CDN into a peer-to-peer network where users become the content servers. When a user fetches some content, they then become another node in that content’s delivery network.

That is pretty interesting. It means Science Fair, while looking like a search-and-read interface for content, also is a peer-to-peer content delivery node for that same content.

The question is – is that interesting or useful? Well… it is a fantastic example of federated content and, possibly in time, federated publishing. As researchers and/or publishers seed content into this network, the boundaries and roles of Journals may start to become a little fuzzy.

For example, Open Access (OA) is interesting because it is a movement for making research materials available for free. Free as in no cost, and free through the application of liberal Creative Commons licenses. However, OA still follows many of the norms of the publishing world, in that there are (capital P) Publishers which curate and control the access, display, and ‘functionality’ (although article functionality is a rather impoverished idea in this sector) for content. If an OA Publisher classifies article A as belonging to category B due to their internal taxonomy then that is where article A will go. If a Publisher enables annotation for ‘their’ content then you have annotation. If a Publisher enables threaded comments for discussion around the article then you have one place where you can discuss the findings. But…while Science Fair might sound like this – a place to find content (just like a Publisher) – it is not this. Science Fair distributes the content into a Dat network and how that content is surfaced, tagged, commented on etc is entirely up to the type of interface you use to access that content. If you wanted to share user-specific tagging taxonomies, for example, you can build that into Science Fair or a Science Fair-like interface. No need to wait for the Publisher.

The researchers, then, could have complete control on how content is curated, displayed, discussed etc since in some sense the users start to become the publishers. 

That is a pretty big step sideways.

I’m aware that distribution is not the only thing Publishers do. But it is why they exist in their current form. If Publishers were not the branded content portals they are then it is unlikely they would exist in the form we know them now, rather they would be service providers that do all, or part, of the other services they currently provide like quality control, technical checks, conflict of interest checking, validation and normalization, review management, format conversion etc. The point is that at the core of these services currently is the Publisher – the brand holding this all together, so to speak. But what happens when one of their primary offerings – sharing/distribution of content – starts to be diminished by other channels? What if researchers decided this is not how they want to access content. What becomes of the Publishing model when faced with an erosion of one of their primary offerings?

Federated publishing breaks down all the ways that we think of publishing, as a way to access content, today. It fundamentally remaps ideas of centralised publishing and opens up many many interesting de-centralised possibilities and questions. It is a fundamental shift of power from the center to the periphery.

I find this interesting because at the time I wrote the piece on federated publishing, I mentioned that earlier there had been quite a bit of chatter about federation. Diaspora, (now, and Thimbl were three projects that looked to the centralised power dynamics of social networks and saw federation as a way out. Ward Cunningham also evolved the Federated Wiki around the same time. Everyone felt, for one reason or another, that distributed power worked best. None of these projects were successful in terms of adoption, nor were my attempts to start federated publishing using Booki/Booktype. However, that is possibly exactly what makes Dat and Science Fair interesting.

I have watched many great ideas developed into softwares over the years and witnessed the death of those same projects. This kind of cycle reflects the well-known Silicon Valley mantra

to be right too early is the same as being wrong

But often the second, or third, time around, these things get the timing right and something shifts. The idea proliferates and adoption occurs. We may be seeing this at the moment with a new generation of peer-to-peer approaches, many implemented in JavaScript — such as IPFS and Dat.

While Dat, IPFS, Science Fair etc might actually herald in an interesting new era of federation one thing for sure, the change will not occur overnight. It requires persistence, strategy, and working closely with researchers to encourage them to use the tools and to shape them so they find them useful. A slow displacement of existing tools and their inherent politic is the better strategy for radical change. Radical change at a slow persistent pace is far more likely of success than a gangbusters approach that will soon lose energy if change isn’t instantly catalyzed. Persistence is the key.

While Dat is not restricted to the sharing of datasets as they imply, it is interesting to see how this idea has been realised in part by Science Fair as an interface for browsing and reading articles. The question for me is not ‘is this a good idea’ (it is) but rather, could the timing and execution be right this time? If it is, then could applications like Science Fair evolve more utility than publishers can provide? Could this, in turn, lead to these applications being widely used by researchers? Could this, in time, lead to a huge ‘unbound’ peer-to-peer content store of research data? Do the Science Fair and Dat teams have the patience to strategise and set their collective minds on a persistent, slow, change that will enable the radical reshaping of the power dynamics they are addressing? And if so, what happens then?

Coda: Dat is capable of more than what I have described above. Its has other very interesting features such the ability to cryptographically sign content and its ability to update content by updating only the difference between versions (as opposed to the entire file). The above post is not an audit of Dat and its total utility but rather a sense making piece reflecting on some features of Dat and what it could mean in this use case as exposed by Science Fair.

Julia Hildebrand on Webbygetariiaaniaanism

I mentioned Julia Hildebrand in an earlier post about my attempts to work out how to be raise my profile online without using proprietary platforms. Julia is a friend and has been helping me think through this, she has now a great post about her initial thoughts on the project here:

A nice sample of quotes that sum up her thoughts:

I was excited when Diaspora came out, offering an alternative to Facebook, because I loved the way they were promising to give me control over my own database, as a user. I created an account, wondering where that would go and hoping those platforms would attract enough users to be able to compete so that I could make the switch to the good side.

Now I’m sitting here, my three Apple devices in front of me, Facebook and Twitter open in the browser all day, publishing this post on Medium.

Why? Because I know where success happens on the internet. Where you promote your ideas and products. I know that this is how we stay part of the club of the internet connoisseurs, how we keep up with the Silicon Valley mentality of constant growth, may it be our personal or our organisation’s growth, right? This is how the internet works. This is what the internet is now: Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Medium, closed platforms. This is the internet we built and wanted.

Her position reminds me of the dismay Lee de Forest expressed after the FCC commercialized radio:

What have you done with my child? You have sent him out on the street in rags of ragtime to collect money from all and sundry. You have made of him a laughingstock of intelligence, surely a stench in the nostrils of the gods of the ionosphere.

Lee de Forest was a self-proclaimed ‘father’ of radio, holding a place in some people’s minds perhaps not too dissimilar to how people now see Tim Berners-Lee. Lee (de Forest) felt that the FCC move to allow the sales of advertisements on radio would spell the end of the communication medium he loved. He was right. I worked in radio for many years in the 80s and 90s and the only places you weren’t driven by ratings and the messaging of your sponsors was in small independent stations (like those I managed). The rest of the scene was ugly.

It is lamentable that the World Wide Web has followed the same path to become the commercialised platform that it is today. I remember Dutch theorist and friend Geert Lovink once telling me in the late 90s that the internet we knew then would be reduced to a ghetto. The implication being that we would eke out an existence in the corners of the net, and the ‘super highway’ would be reserved for the carrying of commercial traffic. I thought that position was wrong at the time. It seemed unfathomable that this newly found freedom could be taken away. I had just left radio for this new free media. The sense of freedom could make one feel giddy. At the time I remember, for example, the open wireless movement in London –  started by another buddy, James Stevens.


Wifi was taking off, and by default, the routers were sold and installed open. It was taking off and I couldn’t imagine a day when even some of the open wifi routers in my apartment building in London would be closed…it didn’t take too long to soon realise that media freedom could be taken away by regulation and commercialisation, and the green open pastures could be closed and zoned for commercial use only.

So, I agree with Julia. We have come the wrong way. It was foreseeable, although I didn’t see it coming until too late, and it is regrettable. Now I feel the need to eke out my part of the ghetto and make it somewhere I want to be.


The Shuttleworth Foundation, of which I am a proud fellow, has a rather beautiful but under-known program they call ‘Flash Grants’. Twice a year they give each fellow (current and alumni) $5,000 USD to give to someone they think is doing good in the world. It is a great program.

My first Flash Grant I gave to Seth Vincent and the second to Zara Rahman. I have known Zara for a long time but I don’t know Seth and only followed his work remotely. He recently wrote up a report about what he did with the 5k and here it is. Seems like a pretty productive use of the money if you ask me. Awesome…